ICAS members include Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs), SRO associations and international industry associations active on all continents.
View the interactive map of members
Member category | Country | Region | Short name | Full name |
Observer | Argentina | Americas | CONARP | El Consejo de Autorregulación Publicitaria |
SRO | Australia | Asia-Pacific | Ad Standards | Ad Standards |
SRO (associate) | Australia | Asia-Pacific | The ABAC Scheme | The Alcohol Beverages Advertising Scheme |
SRO | Belgium | Europe | JEP | Jury d'Ethique publicitaire / Jury voor Ethische Praktijken inzake reclame |
SRO | Brazil | Americas | CONAR | Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária |
SRO | Canada | Americas | Ad Standards | Ad Standards |
SRO (associate) | Chile | Americas | CONAR | Consejo de Autorregulación y Ética Publicitaria |
SRO (associate) | Colombia | Americas | Autocontrol | Autocontrol Colombia |
SRO | France | Europe | ARPP | Autorité de régulation professionnelle de la publicité |
SRO (associate) | Greece | Europe | SEE | Greek Advertising Self-Regulation Council |
SRO | India | Asia-Pacific | ASCI | The Advertising Standards Council of India |
SRO | Ireland | Europe | ASA | Advertising Standards Authority |
SRO | Italy | Europe | IAP | Istituto dell'Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria |
SRO (associate) | Korea | Asia-Pacific | KARB | Korea Advertising Review Board |
SRO (associate) | Malaysia | Asia-Pacific | Content Forum | Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia |
SRO association | n/a | Europe | EASA | European Advertising Standards Alliance |
Industry (associate) | n/a | Global | IAA | International Advertising Association |
Industry | n/a | Global | WOO | World Out of Home Organization |
Industry | n/a | Europe | EPC | European Publishers Council |
Industry | n/a | Global | WFA | World Federation of Advertisers |
Industry (associate) | n/a | Global | VoxComm | VoxComm |
Associate | n/a | Global | GALA | Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance |
SRO | New Zealand | Asia-Pacific | ASANZ | The Advertising Standards Authority |
Observer | Paraguay | Americas | CONAR | Consejo de Autorregulación Publicitaria de CERNECO |
SRO | Philippines | Asia-Pacific | ASC | Ad Standards Council |
SRO (associate) | Portugal | Europe | ARP | Auto Regulação Publicitaria |
SRO | Romania | Europe | RAC | Romanian Advertising Council |
SRO (associate) | Singapore | Asia-Pacific | ASAS | Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore |
SRO | South Africa | Africa & the Middle East | ARB | The Advertising Regulatory Board |
SRO | Spain | Europe | Autocontrol | Asociación para la Autorregulación de la Comunicación Comercial |
SRO | Sweden | Europe | RO | Reklamombudsmannen |
SRO | The Netherlands | Europe | SRC | Stichting Reclame Code |
SRO (associate) | Turkey | Africa & the Middle East | RÖK | Reklam Özdenetim Kurulu |
SRO (associate) | United Arab Emirates | Africa & the Middle East | ABG | The Advertising Business Group |
SRO | United Kingdom | Europe | ASA | The Advertising Standards Authority |
SRO (associate) | United Kingdom | Europe | Portman Group | The Portman Group |
SRO | USA | Americas | BBB NP | BBB National Programs |