ICAS pays tribute to Lucas Boudet

The International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) wishes to honor the memory of Lucas Boudet, Director General of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA), who sadly passed away on 1 September at the age of 46.

Before joining EASA in October 2016, Lucas served as Secretary General of the French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Seoul and as Executive Director of the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok, Thailand.

Lucas significantly strengthened EASA by expanding its membership to include digital platforms, advancing the technological capabilities of self-regulatory organizations, and deepening collaboration with European institutions. He was also instrumental in building, training, and leading a strong team of professionals.

A firm believer in the power of international cooperation, Lucas actively engaged on a global scale and was a vital supporter of ICAS, helping us to grow and prosper. He also played a key role in overseeing the most recent update of the ICC Code in his capacity as Vice-Chair of the Global Marketing and Advertising Commission.

Lucas leaves a lasting legacy in the field of advertising self-regulation. He is survived by his wife and two children, to whom the ICAS network offers its heartfelt condolences.

Guy Parker, ICAS President, said:

Like many, many others, I have lost a true friend and a wonderful work colleague in Lucas, who very sadly has died long before his time. I’m sure I speak for the entire ICAS network in saying my heart goes out to his family, who have lost a beloved husband and father. At tragic times like these, the strength of the European and, indeed, global ad self-regulation community really shows itself. Sibylle and I have been moved by the responses and condolences from friends around the world. It leaves me in no doubt that – despite our shocking loss – EASA and ICAS will continue to thrive, in no small part because of Lucas’ brilliant leadership over the last eight years.

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