Lee Peeler elected new President
On 15 April 2019, during its Annual Meeting in Paris, France, the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) elected Lee Peeler of the US-based advertising self-regulatory council as its new President. Peeler will be supported by a renewed Executive Committee whose priority will be to position ICAS as a key force for promoting self-regulation programs as a way to encourage responsible marketing practices worldwide.
Launched as an independent organization in October 2016, ICAS is a global network promoting self-regulation of advertising standards as an efficient means to protect consumers from irresponsible marketing practices. ICAS’s 30 members include Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs) active in Europe, America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East, as well as other regional and international bodies working to ensure that ads are ethical and socially responsible.
At their Annual General Meeting in Paris, ICAS members elected Peeler as their new President. Peeler is President and CEO of the United States’ advertising self-regulatory council, a body administered by the US-based Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) where he also serves as an Executive Vice President. He succeeds José Domingo Gómez Castallo, first President of ICAS and Managing Director of AUTOCONTROL, the Spanish Self-Regulatory Organization.
Congratulating his successor on his election, José Domingo Gómez Castallo said:

I am very honored to have acted as the first President of ICAS. Before it became an independent organization, ICAS was a subgroup of the European Advertising Standards Alliance, and today I am proud to say that we have become truly global in scope, with members on all continents.
I have no doubt that Lee Peeler will be a great leader for ICAS and that he will continue to strengthen our network thanks to his longstanding experience of advertising self-regulation in the US and globally.
Lee Peeler said:

I would like to thank ICAS members for having put their trust in me to lead our organization for the next two years. Together with the other members of the ICAS Executive Committee, we will work to deliver our action plan by positioning ICAS as a source of reference for advertising self-regulation worldwide. The challenges faced by the marketing industry today are increasingly global in nature, whether we talk about the rise of digital platforms, privacy concerns, or changing societal expectations of consumers. ICAS is therefore more needed than ever to promote a constructive dialogue among the different actors, and to facilitate the sharing of best practices across borders.
Peeler will be supported by four Vice-Presidents and seven members of the Executive Committee, also elected for a two-year mandate.