The Benefits of Advertising Self-Regulation – ICC releases toolkit

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a toolkit to ensure responsible and compliant advertising self-regulation. 

Recognising the lack of common understanding on how self-regulation and advertising concepts work in practice, the ICC has published a toolkit comprised of key messages and practical examples to provide relevant stakeholders with a clear picture of the benefits associated with advertising self-regulation.

The ICC toolkit, entitled, “The Benefits of Advertising Self-Regulation in Ensuring Responsible and Compliant Advertising,” outlines the advantages of advertising for business, consumers and local communities. The reference incorporates the self-regulatory principles enshrined by the ICC Advertising and Marketing Communications Code (ICC Code), which is used as a global reference for international best practice.

Consumer trust is paramount for brand reputation and effective advertising. In this manner, the ICC toolkit emphasises the importance of ensuring responsible, ethical, and compliant advertising and marketing practices. In particular, the document explains how advertising and marketing self-regulation protects citizens, strengthens consumer trust, builds trust among businesses, and complements existing national legal standards.

The ICC toolkit also includes a scorecard with key elements for the effective implementation of advertising self-regulation frameworks. The scorecard, which includes elements of the ICC Code, lists the creation of a self-regulatory body, appeals procedure, and publication of documents, as among the best-practices for implementing effective advertising self-regulation.

ICAS Members have supported the development of the toolkit and have contributed to its development.

Download the toolkit here.

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