Changes in ICAS’ Executive Committee

At an Executive Committee Meeting convened on 5 June 2020, Lee Peeler was confirmed as ICAS President until his mandate comes to an end in May 2021. The decision was taken unanimously by the Members of the Executive Committee and was necessary as Lee Peeler retired last month from BBB National Programs after almost 14 years. 

Executive Vice President Mary Engle, who recently joined BBB National Programs after retiring from the US Federal Trade Commission, will take Lee’s seat on the ICAS Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee also welcomed Brian Gordon, Operations Manager at Ad Standards Australia, as a new member of the Committee, due to the departure of Fiona Jolly from Ad Standards on 4 June.

The members of the Committee thanked Lee for his commitment to ICAS and his willingness to serve as its president and support thus the important work done by the Association until next year. 

The ICAS Executive Committee members serve two year terms that run to our next AGM in April 2021. 

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