ASA South Africa joins ICAS

Today, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) of South Africa officially became the 29th member of the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation (ICAS).

The ASA is an independent self-regulatory body which has been safeguarding consumers and protecting advertising freedom for more than 45 years in South Africa. It enforces a Code of Advertising Practice, providing the basis of arbitration for disputes within the industry or between advertisers and consumers.

ICAS is a global platform which promotes Responsible Advertising through effective Self-Regulation. Its members include Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs) and other national, regional and international bodies working to ensure that marketing communications are legal, honest, truthful and decent.

To find out more about the ASA, visit

View the full list of ICAS members

For media inquiries, please contact Ms Soraya Belghazi, ICAS Manager, at +32 474 88 19 85 or send us an email.

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